Actions on Sports
Gender Equality
"ASEAN-Japan Actions on Sports: Gender Equality" is a project to promote gender equality through sports where Japan will collaborate with 10 of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries - as part of Sport For Tomorrow. Centered on training and research, the goal is to create a society where women and girls in ASEAN countries can safely and securely access sports and enjoy all the benefits that sports can provide.

Target countries
Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam

In 2023, Seijo University's International Center for Sport and Gender Equality (SGE) was appointed to undertake this project for the first time. SGE will conduct training for sports policy makers (Hanoi, Viet Nam), which will be mediated by all 10 ASEAN countries and a research project in 3 countries: Indonesia, Philippines, and Viet Nam.

Mid- to long-term goals and strategies for this Project (2023-2026)
Mid- to Long-Term Goals
We aim to create a state in which the governments of ASEAN countries can implement various projects to achieve gender equality in their own sports fields.
Training Project
Once a year, we will create an opportunity for government officials and sports organizations from 10 ASEAN countries to come together and conduct workshop that will lead to understanding gender perspectives that should be incorporated into sports policies and in the forming of specific policies.
Research Project
Based on the cultural and social backgrounds of each ASEAN country, we will provide objective research results to the governments of each country regarding the importance of women's and girls' participation in sports alongside factors that inhibit their participants, and provide support for policy formulation.
Information Sharing
In collaboration with international organizations, we will create an international discussion forum setting where the results of this project and the efforts of ASEAN countries can be shared.
What is Sport For Tomorrow (SFT)
For the eight years from 2014 until the Tokyo 2020 Games in 2021, SFT worked to expand the Olympic and Paralympic Movement and provide international exchange and cooperation activities through sports to people of all generations around the world - including economically developing countries. SFT has been promoted through a public-private collaboration of Japan. From 2022 onwards, SFT will inherit and develop the legacy of the Tokyo 2020 Games and further promote international sports exchange and cooperation.