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  • 2022.10.04

    The Research Center for Textual Scholarship will host the 1st Seminar and 2nd Symposium (Finished)

The Research Center for Textual Scholarship will host the first research seminar and the second symposium.

In the seminar, we will invite Professor Reiko Kitajima (Professor Emeritus, Sophia University) and Professor Mototsugu Katsura (Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Musashi University) to give a lecture on the common theme of “Editing of Robert Musil’s ‘The Man Without Qualities’”. For the symposium, we will have a lecture titled “On the Song of Francesca’s Love in Canto V of Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ - Based on a New Revised Text” by Associate Professor Motoaki Hara (Associate Professor, School of Cultural and Social Studies, Tokai University). Professor Hiroaki Ito (Professor, School of Letters, Senshu University), Professor Takami Matsuda (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Keio University), and Professor Arata Ide (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Keio University). will be our guest commentators.

Date and Time: Saturday, October 22nd, 2022
Seminar: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Symposium: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Global Lounge, Building No. 9, Seijo University
Capacity: 50 people each (Advance registration is required)
We will accept advance registrations until Monday, October 17th.