【日 時】2015年10月21日(水)16:30~18:00
【場 所】大学4号館2階 経済研究所
1.“Economic Analysis and Prospects”
Dr.Salvador Carrillo Regalado
-"Japan-Mexico EPA's Impact in Commercial Activities during 2005-2014"
Dr.Leo Guzman Anaya
-"Localization Factors from Japanese FDI in Mexico: A Spatial Analysis"
Dr.Tomohiro kakihara
-"Retail Finance in Mexico : Current Situations and Issues"
Mtra.María Guadalupe Lugo Sánchez
-"The Role of Public Policies in Attracting Japanese FDI in Mexico's Western Region: Preliminary Results in the Automotive Industry"
2.“Socio-Cultural Analysis and Prospects”
Dr.Jesus Arroyo Alejandre
-"A Veiw of Japanese Inmigration in Mexico″
Dr.Antonio Mackintosh Ramirez
-"Japan-Mexico Cooperation and its Possibilities: Analysis of a Case under the CDM Agreement"
Mtra.Martha Elena Campos Ruiz
-"Quality of Japanese Lifestyle in Guanajuato State of Mexico"
Dr.Taku Okabe
-"New Framework of Antitrust Act of Mexico and its Implication in the Flow of Foreign Direct Investment"